Henna & Jewels

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Please fill out this form for henna enquiries and we will get back to you soon

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    Henna Service Required

    Bridal HennaParty Henna
    Bridal Henna
    One SideBoth Sides
    Modern Bridal (gaps in the henna)Traditional Henna (no gaps, full henna work)
    Up to WristMid ArmUp to Elbow

    Feet Henna

    NoneSimple Strip up to Ankle2 Inches Above AnkleMiddle of Shin
    Party Henna
    1-3 People4-10 PeopleMore than 10
    Date Required

    (Please note henna takes 48+ hours to fully develop, so 2-3 days before the event is best)
    Please attach relevant image you like

    [wpgdprc "By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website."]

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